Sources - Salesforce CDC

ELT & CDC uses Salesforce's Streaming API

Streaming API enables streaming of events using push technology and provides a subscription mechanism for receiving events in near real time. The Streaming API subscription mechanism supports multiple types of events, including PushTopic events, generic events, platform events, and Change Data Capture events.
  • Streaming API is available only for Performance/Developer/Unlimited/Enterprise Salesforce plans
  • For Salesforce Professional edition API access can be purchased separately from Salesforce
  • Maximum number of selected objects shouldn't exceed the maximum number of PushTopics available for plan

Note that not all objects may be available in your org. Some objects require specific feature settings and permissions to be enabled. The user account must have at least ‘READ’ privileges on the selected objects. Additionally, ‘READ’ and ‘CREATE’ permissions for PushTopics objects are needed.

Supported PushTopic Queries

All custom objects are supported in PushTopic queries. A subset of standard objects is supported in PushTopic queries, including:
  • Account
  • Campaign
  • Case
  • Contact
  • ContractLineItem
  • Entitlement
  • Lead
  • LiveChatTranscript
  • MessagingSession
  • Opportunity
  • Quote
  • QuoteLineItem
  • ServiceAppointment
  • ServiceContract
  • Task
  • UserServicePresence
  • WorkOrder
  • WorkOrderLineItem
Not all objects may be available in your org. Some objects require specific feature settings and permissions to be enabled.

Salesforce Source Create Form

Streaming API needs to be enabled in Salesforce settings. Make sure your Salesforce plan allows usage of Streaming API before proceeding. To enable Streaming API:
  1. Go to Setup:


  2. Find User Interface section in Platform Tools


  3. Find and click User Interface in User Interface section

  4. Click Enable Streaming API in Setup section


Generate Security Token
To access the Salesforce API, both User password and Security token are required. Such token can be generated in User Personal Settings in Salesforce. To generate a Security Token:
  1. Go to your Settings:


  2. Find 'Reset My Security Token' in 'My Personal Information'


  3. Click 'Reset Security Token' button
