Customer Use Case Summaries

Each month we highlight some of the interesting use cases we have been helping customers with.

Jul 2024

Client Use Case #1

Client: A social science research and evaluation firm.

Problem to Solve: 

  • They need to get interview assignment packets into Salesforce so that the interviewers can review them there before performing field work. Assignment packets live in a SQL Server database.
  • Were using Data Loader to load flat files into Salesforce but want to move away from manual work and fully automate by connecting directly to SQL Server.
  • They are a small, less technical team that would like to automate the process of loading data into Salesforce and be able to manage it themselves rather than depend on an external team.


  • Easy to use, low-code platform that can be used by business users.
  • Support for Salesforce as a destination.
  • Orchestration layer for scheduling pipelines to run at desired and custom frequencies.

Client Use Case #2

Client: US-based credit union.

Problem to Solve: 

  • Looking for a solution to extract financial data from Jack Henry platform and load to HubSpot.
  • It's currently being done manually, but it’s time-consuming and doesn’t get done when people are OOO or too busy on other projects.
  • Can’t have any PII data in HubSpot so need to manipulate data before loading to HubSpot. For example, have a date of birth, but want to load age to HubSpot.


  •’s SFTP connector can ingest data from Jack Henry, transform to match the data in HubSpot, then load to HubSpot.
  • The platform’s transformation layer allows to remove any PII and anonymize as needed.
  • The solution can be used by the credit union’s Marketing team so it improves efficiencies and removes dependency on IT.
Jun 2024

Client Use Case #1

Client: Nonprofit organization that connect employers with talent partners, leading non-profits and other skill-credentialing organizations who support the development of diverse talent.

Problem to Solve: 

  • They want a 360-degree view of their data for both themselves and their job candidates.
  • Don’t have an in-house dev team so they’re reliant on 3rd party tools.
  • They need to integrate data between their systems they use for lead generation (Hubspot), CRM (Salesforce), and talent management (8fold) and their Postgres database which they’re using as a data warehouse, bi-directionally.


  • supports both ETL & Reverse ETL functionality for their connectors.
  • has the ability to connect to REST APIs easily which they require for current connectivity as well as future-proofing for other use cases going forward. 

Client Use Case #2

Client: Provider of Medicaid program consulting & services.

Problem to Solve: 

  • Processing Medicaid claims for school districts and need a solution to automate the process and handle data transformations.
  • Currently have a manual process of renaming files and formatting data, which is time-consuming and requires a large team.
  • Looking for a solution that can handle a high volume of files, potentially up to 800 files per day.


  •’s file handling and data transformations/standardization allow the file process to be fully automated.
  •’s templates feature allows templates for different systems to accelerate onboarding times for new schools and districts. 
May 2024

Client Use Case #1

Client: Salesforce-based CRM purpose-built for manufacturers and wholesale distributors.

Problem to Solve: 

  • Their company implements a CRM solution (built on Salesforce) for their clients. Clients need to send LeadSmart their data in daily files.
  • They were using another Salesforce integration solution, but the jobs were failing if the files were too big.
  • The data can be messy, so they need a way to cleanse and standardize it before loading it to Salesforce.


  • Easy to use UI, especially the Salesforce destination component.
  • Many transformation capabilities. For example, their client data frequently contains custom string timestamps, which they routinely need to standardize to a datetime datatype.
  • They liked the Salesforce output error file. They need to be able to contact their clients when the data is bad and needs to be fixed, and the file gives them that ability.

Client Use Case #2

Client: Develops fleet management software solutions.

Problem to Solve: 

  • Client was looking for a solution to power the trucking management platform they were building.
  • They needed to move their clients’ data into their platform, where they would visualize it so that their clients could easily monitor trucks, drivers, shipments, etc.
  • They needed a solution that offered many transformation capabilities since the two systems were very different, with different schemas, etc.


  • Wide range of connectors (their client systems might be a database, file storage, API, etc)
  • Lots of transformations (CASE statements, filters, aggregation, window functions, Curl, etc)
Apr 2024

Client Use Case #1

Client: Major insurance broker.

Problem to Solve: 

  • Manually preparing enrollment data received from Benefit Administration platforms and formatting to meet insurance carrier requirements with some files having 400+ columns. 
  • There will be new carriers and employee HR systems in the future, so it is necessary to ensure that they can connect to those. 


  • Streamlined file data ingestion from the SFTP server and then delivered to carriers via SFTP integration.
  • Rich transformation layer supported all standardization requirements across all of their current and future carriers. 

Client Use Case #2

Client: Leading weather intelligence platform.

Problem to Solve: 

  • Needed to build out new integrations to weather systems for every new country they launched in. This was laborious and took up too much developer time. 
  • Had a wide range of integration and data cleansing requirements. 
  • Wanted to build in an easy-to-use UI but schedule the orchestration of pipelines through Airflow.


  • Supported all their data ingestion requirements - APIs, JSON, CSV, XML.
  • The business team could build out new integrations using UI, and the DevOps team could use our API to orchestrate their pipelines.
Mar 2024

Client Use Case #1

Client: Big 4 consulting firm.

Problem to Solve: 

  • Client tech services team looking for no/low-code tool for business users to ingest and prepare data.
  • They want to reduce engineering team dependency and increase their bandwidth for more complex client work.


  • Low and no-code transformations - Matillion and Talend were ruled out because they are too complex. Rivery was ruled out because their transformations require SQL knowledge.
  • Visual, intuitive GUI

Client Use Case #2

Client: Leading collectibles platform for collectors and investors.

Problem to Solve: 

  • Needed CDC database replication to Snowflake with support for Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCD).
  • Had a lot of data transformation needs, but not everyone on their team was comfortable working with SQL.


  • CDC replication and then SCD achieved using our ETL transformation layer.
  • Our low-code transformation layer allowed their whole team to perform data transformations without having to write any SQL.
Feb 2024

Client Use Case #1

Client: Specialty Insurance Brokerage firm.

Problem to Solve: 

  • Homegrown ETL solution breaking down.
  • Needed to be able to ingest BAI2 files from banks and load the data to Salesforce.
  • Needed a low-code solution for non-developer users to manage.


  • Ingesting the BAI2 file in a raw format and transforming it with a selection of string functions (SUBSTRING, STRSPLIT, etc), we were able to parse the required data.
  • Salesforce destination connector for loading the transformed data to Salesforce.

Client Use Case #2

Client: A premium, full-service solar provider.

Problem to Solve: 

  • Needed to load their Salesforce data to their data warehouse.
  • Salesforce data required cleansing before loading it to their data warehouse, and they wanted an easy way for non-technical users to do that.


  • They were able to use our REGEX_EXTRACT function to remove emojis that their Sales team was using in their notes, as the emojis were not compatible with the datatypes in their data warehouse. 
  • Ease of use of the platform along with the training received from their dedicated Solutions Engineer.

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