Self-Hosted, Secure
REST APIs In Minutes

Instant read/write REST API generation for powering your data products

Ensure Data Quality Ensure Data Quality
These companies automate their data pipelines using
Top Data Connectors
The leading on-premise
Instant API Generation Platform
Drive Your Project

Focus on building your applications, not hand-coding APIs. Integrate any SQL or NoSQL database, file storage system, or external HTTP/SOAP service to instantly generate a flexible, comprehensive, and fully documented REST API.

Ensure Data Quality
Get Complete Control & Security

Have total control over API design and generation requirements. Secure your APIs to meet industry best practices and make User Management, SSO Authentication, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), CORS, Role-Based Access Control on API endpoints, record-level permissions on data, OAuth, LDAP, Active Directory, and SAML integration easy

Ensure Data Quality
Enjoy Top To Bottom Scalability

From early stage projects to global Enterprise rollouts, we scale with you to make all of your projects successful. Our open source framework also runs on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X for scalable, stateless, and portable API creation & management. Run on private, public, or hybrid infrastructure and easily move your apps between servers. You can even deploy with Docker, Kubernetes, Bitnami, or directly from Git.

Ensure Data Quality
Save Tons Of Time, Automate Your Documentation

Automatically generate full Swagger OpenAPI documentation with your APIs. Easily publish your APIs for others or expose as many APIs & API keys as needed while applying flexible role-based access control to every API endpoint. Make it easy to share APIs with internal stakeholders, business partners, developers, or anyone else who needs secure access to your APIs

Ensure Data Quality
Platform Capabilities
Automated API Generation
A fully documented REST API generated from any source in less than 5 minutes.
Complete Customization
A powerful API Management layer also lets you customize APIs to your requirements.
Flexible Authentication
Full support for all major authentication including Active Directory, LDAP, & OAuth.
  • Ensure Data Quality
  • Ensure Data Quality
  • Ensure Data Quality
Simple Custom Scripting
Transform the data in your endpoints & sources by creating custom scripts in PHP, Python, Python 3, or Node.JS.
Advanced Data Mesh
Use one API call to create virtual relationships between databases and perform operations.
  • Ensure Data Quality
  • Ensure Data Quality
What Our API Generation Customers Say...
  • Ensure Data Quality
    star star star star star
    “API Generation streamlines everything and makes it easy to concentrate on building your frontend application. I found something that was just click, click, click.....connect, and you're good to go!“
    Edo Williams
  • Ensure Data Quality
    star star star star star
    “Fastest and easiest API Management tool my department has ever used. We used DreamFactory to build the REST APIs we needed for a series of projects and were able to save tens of thousands on the developer hours it would have taken otherwise.“
    Mark A.
  • Ensure Data Quality
    star star star star star
    “DreamFactory’s easy API solution to put on our db’s makes life really easy. Gets us our data quickly and easily.“
    Doug B.
    CEO of Scripted
API Generation FAQ
Do you host API Generation or do we host? API Generation is a self hosted solution which can be installed in any cloud or internal environment. We offer multiple deployment options including easy installers for Windows, Linux, and Docker.
Are there any volume limitations in terms of API calls, configured services, or user your seats?

Because API Generation is a self hosted solution, we impose no volume limits. That’s Unlimited API creation, unlimited service integration, unlimited API calls, and unlimited user seats. The only limitation is your imagination!
If I have too many projects deployed in my production environment, will I need to purchase a 2nd license for future projects? API Generation can be infinitely scaled simply by allocating the appropriate resources and by load-balancing your server environment. We also offer Enterprise Support for large-scale Kubernetes deployment.
If I need help with my project, what kind of support will I get?

During trial, we will assign you an engineer who will work with you to install and configure your services for project success. Post-purchase that same engineer will stay with you for 30 days to onboard your team and make sure you’re all set up! We also offer email, chat, and phone support in the US, Tokyo, AU, and India.
Can I install a single API Generation license in multiple server locations?

A single license can only be installed in a single environment. From there, we offer infinite scalability through the load balancing of that server environment. We also offer secondary licenses (dev/QA/HA) at a reduced cost as well as options for bulk licensing discounts.
Are Dev, HA, and QA licenses included?

We offer secondary licenses at a drastically reduced cost that provides the same functionality as your production license.
Am I able to add modules/features as my project grows?

Yes! We can unlock any additional modules/features at any time to keep your project on track.

Chat With Us About Trying API Generation

Speak with a Product Expert about using API Generation to help solve your data challenges

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Ensure Data Quality