Create Read-Replica (optional) We recommend syncing data using a read-replica of your database to ensure sync doesn't affect your primary database instance. If you wish to sync against Primary, feel free to skip this step.Refer this documentation to create a read-replica. Create user Create a sync user for by executing, CREATE USER 'flydata'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '<your_password>'; Grant necessary privileges, GRANT SELECT, RELOAD, REPLICATION SLAVE, REPLICATION CLIENT, LOCK TABLES ON *.* TO 'flydata'@'%'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; Enable binary logging Create a DB Parameter Group and set the following parameters: Parameter Value binlog_format ROW binlog_row_image FULL binlog_expire_logs_seconds 604800 (Minimum 1 day or 86400) These are recommended values for replication but not required. Set the recommended values if you encounter timeouts. Parameter Value net_read_timeout 3600 net_write_timeout 3600 wait_timeout 86400 Assign the newly created parameter group to your database and reboot your database instance. Confirm your changes by checking the binlog status, SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'log_bin'; Increase binlog retention To increase the binlog retention of the DB cluster, use the mysql_rds_set_configuration procedure. You can run the following command and sample parameters on the writer instance to retain the binlog files for 7 days (Minimum 1 day) CALL mysql.rds_set_configuration('binlog retention hours', 168);