Destinations - Amazon Redshift

Overview uses the COPY query to sync data from S3 to Redshift using UPSERTS in periodic batches. The data stored temporarily in S3 is removed after it has been synced to Redshift.


  • SUPERUSER privileges to create sync user and create schema if not exists.

Create sync user

Let's start by creating a sync user for CDC. Run the following query,
CREATE USER flydata PASSWORD '<your_password>';

Grant database privileges

The sync user needs CREATE and TEMPORARY privileges to create the schema and temporary tables.

Specify the database that you'd like the data to be synced to and run the following query to grant the privileges to the user on that database,
GRANT CREATE ON DATABASE <database_name> TO flydata;
GRANT TEMPORARY ON DATABASE <database_name> TO flydata;

Grant schema privileges

The sync user needs USAGE and CREATE privileges to create the tables in the schema.

Specify the schema that you'd like the data to be synced to and run the following query to grant the privileges to the user on that schema,
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA <schema_name> TO flydata;
GRANT CREATE ON SCHEMA <schema_name> TO flydata;

Note: If you want to store your logs in your own S3 bucket when syncing from your source to redshift, refer to this guide.

Required Privileges

Name Description Enforced? Reference
CREATE (Database) For databases, CREATE allows users to create schemas within the database.

Required for creating database if it doesn’t exist.
TEMPORARY (Database) Grants the permission to create temporary tables in the specified database.

Required for deduplication.
CREATE (Schema) For schemas, CREATE allows users to create objects within a schema. To rename an object, the user must have the CREATE permission and own the object to be renamed.

Required for creating schema if it doesn’t exist.
USAGE (Schema) Grants USAGE permission on a specific schema, which makes objects in that schema accessible to users.

Required for replication.