Your account information
If you are the account owner, you can modify most of the account information that you defined when you created your account.
To modify your account Information:
- Click your avatar at the top right of the window, then click Account settings.
- Modify your account information as required.(see account information below).
- Click save changes.
account information fields
Account id - the name that will appear in the top left corner of all ETL screens.
Account name - the name that is attached to ETL's application url to form the site name as follows:[site address].
Region - the region where your clusters are being created. It is recommended to create the clusters where the bulk of your data exists.
Location - the location of the account.
Billing email - the email address to which ETL will send billing information.
- Gravatar email (Private) - by default, ETL uses the address you entered in the Email field for your gravatar. However, you can use a private gravatar account to display your avatar. No other information from your Gravatar account will be visible.
- public ssh key - Use your account's public ssh key to allow ETL access to data repositories that require key-based authentication (e.g. SFTP).
close account
If you no longer need your ETL account, you can delete it.
To close (delete) an ETL account:
- Click delete your account.
- Enter your password.
- Click delete my account.