
Using components: Facebook Ads Insights Source

Use the Facebook Ads Insights source component to define Facebook Ads Insights reports to use as a source in a data flow package.


Select an existing Facebook connection or create a new one.

Source Properties

    • API version - Integrate.io ETL will use the selected API version when running the job. Facebook releases a new Facebook Marketing API version every few months and sunsets older versions of the API. You should check and update the API versions periodically.
    • Level - Select the report level (account by default).
    • Date range - Select a date range from the dropdown list of ranges. If you select custom date range..., you will be prompted to enter From date and To date. Click on either inputs and select the dates from the calendar. You can also use variables as values for the custom date range in the format yyyy-MM-dd.

      • If custom date range option was selected, Run report day by day checkbox will be displayed. When the checkbox is checked, the report will be executed for each day in the selected date range, in order to minimize data sampling. Make sure to include `date_start` and `date_stop` dimensions if checkbox is checked

  • Time breakdown - use to break the results by period. The default, All days means that one result will be returned for the entire period. Add the fields date_start and date_stop to get the period per record (in Schema, below).
  • Filtering (optional) - use to filter results based on the selected fields values. Filtering field should contain an array of filter objects. Each filter object has three fields: 'field', 'operator' and 'value'. Valid filter operators are: 'EQUAL', 'NOT_EQUAL', 'GREATER_THAN', 'GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL', 'LESS_THAN', 'LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL', 'IN_RANGE', 'NOT_IN_RANGE', 'CONTAIN', 'NOT_CONTAIN', 'IN', 'NOT_IN', 'ANY', 'ALL', 'NONE' .

    • [{'field':'ad.effective_status','operator':'IN','value':['ARCHIVED']}] - will return archived ads.
    • [{field:"ad.impressions",operator:"GREATER_THAN",value:0}] - will retrieve insights only for ad objects with data (at least 1 impression).
  • Action report time - determines the report time of action stats (by impression by default). See Facebook Marketing APIs documentation for more details.
  • Report on... - by default, return the input for all ad accounts the connection has access to. You may also select specific accounts to report on.
  • Include custom conversions fields - If checked, custom conversion fields will be fetched and shown on available fields list.

Source Schema

Select the metrics, dimensions or breakdowns to use in the source. Action metrics include metrics for standard action and custom events with any of the 7 available attribution windows.