
Using components: Bing Ads Source

Use the Bing Ads source component to read Bing Adss report data.

Note: Ad blockers may block html and javascript elements that mention Bing Ads. We recommend that you disable your ad blocker or make an exception for Integrate.io ETL.


Select an existing Bing Ads connection or create a new one.

Source Properties

  • API Version - Integrate.io ETL will use the selected Adwords API version when running the job. Microsoft releases a new API version every few months and sunsets older versions of the API. You should check and update the API versions periodically.
  • Report type - Select a report type from the dropdown list of reports.
  • Unit of time - Select date/time granularity for the report. Date and time fields will be added to the source schema depending on the selection.
  • Date range - Select a date range from the dropdown list of ranges. If you select custom date range..., you will be prompted to enter From date and To date. Click on either inputs and select the dates from the calendar. You can also use variables as values for the custom date range in the format yyyyMMdd.
  • Accounts and campaigns - Select accounts or specific campaigns to report on.

Source Schema

After defining the Bing report, select the fields to use in the source.

Note: Some fields are not compatible with other fields in the same report.