To create a package: On the main menu, click Packages. Click New package. Name your package. It's a good idea to give it a descriptive name so that you can identify it from a list of packages that you've created. Optionally, you may add a Description. A description detailing what the package does is useful if you have other members of your team that may be accessing this package or if you come back to it a while later to make alterations. Select Dataflow or Workflow (for more information on workflows, see Creating a workflow). Select a template from the dropdown menu or leave it blank if you want to build from scratch (for more information on utilizing a template, see Create a package from a template). Click Create package. Click Add component (a package must always start with a source component). Add additional components as required, connecting them by dragging the dotted-line connections from one component to the next (for more information on packages and components, see ETL's packages). Add a destination component (a dataflow must always end with a destination component).