
Using Components: Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Source

Use the Google Analytics 4 (GA4) source component to read Google Analytics 4 (GA4) report data.


Select an existing Google Analytics 4 (GA4) connection or create a new one.

Source Properties

    • Api Version - Select api version Google Analytics 4 API. See list of available APIs from Google here
    • Date range - Select a date range from the dropdown list of ranges. If you select custom date range..., you will be prompted to enter From date and To date. Click on either inputs and select the dates from the calendar. You can also use variables as values for the custom date range in the format yyyy-MM-dd.
    • Include custom dimensions and metrics - Fetch list of custom dimensions and metrics from selected accounts and show it on tables of dimensions and metrics in schema section
    • Property IDs - Leave empty to read data for all accessible Google Analytics 4 properties or type in the IDs of your Google Analytics properties (or tables) in the form of properties/xxx. You can enter multiple ids separated by comma or use a variable too. thumbnail image

Source Schema

Select the metrics and dimensions to use in the source. The source also includes pre-defined fields for the Google Analytics account name, property name, property id and account id. Data can be also previewed by clicking "Refresh" button.thumbnail image

Migrating from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

For metrics and dimensions mapping, please visit GA4 migration guide here