
Managing your Integrate.io ETL account members

You can add members to your Integrate.io ETL account to perform activities such as defining packages, creating clusters and running jobs.

The actual activities that members can perform depends on the role you assign to them (see Setting account member roles), but they cannot access your account's definitions.

To add a member to your account:

  1. Click the Settings gear, the bottom icon in the tool bar on the left.
  2. Then click Members under Account settings. Existing members are listed.
  3. Click the button Invite new member, type the new member's email address and click invite member.
  4. Select a role from the drop down menu for that member (see Setting account member roles)

To remove a member from your account:

  1. Click the Settings gear, the bottom icon in the tool bar on the left.
  2. Then click Members under Account settings.
  3. Hover over the x icon to the right of the member's name you want to remove and click.

To resend an invitation to members who haven't accepted their invitation:

  1. Click the Settings gear, the bottom icon in the tool bar on the left.
  2. Then click Members under Account settings. Existing members are listed.
  3. Hover on the member you want to re-invite and click resend invitation.