Often in larger teams, it is very useful to version a package, keep track of a specific package version, schedule a certain package version, and rollback to a specific package version. ETL's package Version Control consists of the following core features:
Ability to lock package version on schedule
Ability to create a major version from the package designer
View / Rollback to previous versions
Please note that only 100 of the last versions are made available, and discuss Version Control with your ETL Account Manager if you would like it enabled on your account. Here is a blog article on Version Control of Packages.
Create a Major Version from Package Designer ETL introduces two ways to save a package, Quick Save and Create Major Version both can be found under the Save dropdown (in the Package Designer).
Quick Save
A Quick Save is your typical save button, which produces a minor version that increases linearly like 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and so on. This is useful while you're developing the package and doing some tests.
Major Version
Once everything is tested, you can click Create Major Version, to create a checkpoint of your last working version. This asks for a Version Description - similar to a Git commit message. Each major version increments the number on the left and resets back the minor version to 0 like 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, etc.
After that you will see the following form:
Add a description text and press the "Create" button. After creating the version you will see the new version number and description on your package list:
The version number and description are also visible when selecting a package version on schedule form and when rolling back the package to a previous version.
Preview / Rollback to the Previous Version
You can preview and rollback any of your packages to the previous version. Currently, ETL provides access to the latest 100 versions.
View or rollback package version from the Packages by pressing version number under the package name:
Or from the Package Designer by pressing version number under the package name:
After that you will see the following form:
By default, the selected version is the version previous to the current version. To see all the available versions press on the dropdown:
You can view a version number, a version description, and an author of each version. After you select the required version you can preview the package with that version or rollback to that version.
To preview the version press the Open button. After that, you will be redirected to the package designer. You can open any component and check the state of the package at that time but you can’t change it (all the designer controls are disabled). You can edit only the current version. To rollback the package press Rollback version button. Package rollback produces a minor version with a predefined description. Check the screen below for example:
Best Practice: Lock a Package Version on a Schedule
Regardless of the current package version, you can lock your schedule to run any previous version. This enables your team to continue developing on production package, without having to duplicate the package and worry about currently scheduled job runs (being impacted by development changes). How to use the feature:
Go to the Schedules page
- Press the New Schedule button
- Go to the Packages step and press Add package
- On package select form, select a required package
After the package is selected you will see the following screen:
By default, the latest package version is used, to use a specific version uncheck the “Always run the latest version of the package” checkbox and select the required version.
You can use the description as a guide for version selection. After you selected the required version and configured the schedule variables press Save. You will see the applied version number right after the package. See the screen below for an example: