


Execute a SQL query that returns a scalar datetime value. If the query returns a dataset, the value of the first column in the first row is returned.

MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server and Amazon Redshift connections:


ExecuteSqlDateTime(connection_id, sql_query[, param1] [,…paramN])


  connection_id (string) - The unique identifier of the connection to use to execute the query. You can find it in the connection's page. 

  sql_query  - String expression that evaluates to a query that returns a scalar value.

  param11 ... paramN - optional parameters to pass to the query. Use ? as placeholder in the query.

Google BigQuery connections:


ExecuteSqlDateTime(connection_id, sql_query[, configuration_json])


  connection_id (string) - The unique identifier of the connection to use to execute the query. You can find it in the connection's page. 

  sql_query  - String expression that evaluates to a query that returns a scalar value.

  configuration_json - optional string:

  "useQueryCache" : boolean
 ,"useLegacySql" : boolean
  • useQueryCache (optional) - boolean expression. Specifies whether to look for the result in the query cache (default value is true).
  • useLegacySql (optional) - boolean expression. Specifies whether to use BigQuery's legacy SQL dialect for the query (default value is false).


ExecuteSqlDateTime('mysql_55','SELECT MAX(updated_at) FROM events')

ExecuteSqlDateTime('mysql_55','SELECT birthdate FROM customers WHERE id = ?',user_id)

ExecuteSqlDateTime('bq_58', 'SELECT MAX(updated_at) FROM events','{"useQueryCache" : false}')


This function only executes in job runtime. When validating a package with variables that use the function or in X-console, the function returns null.

Return value datatype


Impact of null value

If the connection_id or sql_query are null, null is returned.