Using Components: Google Ads Destination

Use Google Ads destination component to store the output from data flow in Google Ads Object. The destination component uses Google Ads API.


Select an existing Google Ads connection or create a new one (for more information, see Allowing ETL to my data on Google Ads)

Destination Properties 

  • Target object - List of all Google Ads resources. See more info on Google's documentation here

Operation type

  • Append (Insert only) - default behavior. Data will only be appended to the target table

Advanced options

  • Customer ID - unique number used to identify your Google Ads account. For more info on how to get Customer ID see here
  • Login Customer ID - a manager account to access an operating customer account. For more details about Login Customer ID see Google's documentation herethumbnail image

Schema Mapping

Map the dataflow fields to Google Ads' columns. List of Google Ads' column will be based on selected Target Object from previous step. thumbnail image