
Working in the package designer

To modify the package name and description:

  1. Click the package name.
  2. In the Package name text box, type a new name.
  3. In the Package description text box, type a new name.

To add a note:

  1. Click the yellow new note icon. A note appears.
  2. To edit the note, click it and enter text. Click done to save the note.
  3. You can add as many notes as you require.

To delete a note:

  1. Hover on the note until the red delete icon appears on the note, then click the red delete icon.

To duplicate a note:

  1. Hover on the note until the black duplicate icon appears on the note, then click the black duplicate icon

After you have added at least one source component, you can perform the following actions on the package and components:

  • To open a component for editing - click the component.
  • To add a component to a dataflow - click the blue connector under an existing component.
  • To delete a component - hover on the component until the red delete icon appears on the component, then click the red delete icon.
  • To duplicate a component - hover on the component until the black duplicate icon appears on the component, then click the black duplicate icon.
  • To cut the dataflow between components - hover on the red dotted line near a component until the scissors icon appears, then click the scissors icon.
  • To connect a dataflow between two components - drag the blue connector on the first connector and drop it on the the target connector.

To copy components to the same or a different package:

  1. Select the component(s) to copy using any of the following methods:
  • Hover on the required component(s) until a check box appears on the left side of the component, then click the check box.
  • Select all the components in the package by clicking select and then clicking All (to unselect components, click None).
  • Select only components that are connected to each other by clicking select and then clicking Connected.
  • Press Ctrl+C (on a Mac, press Cmd+C).
  • Open the required package and press Ctrl+V (on a Mac, press Cmd+V).
  • To modify a component's name:

    1. Click the component.
    2. In the first text box in the component, type a new name.

    To undo your last changes to a package:

    1. Click the blue undo arrow icon.

    To redo your last changes to a package:

    1. Click the blue redo arrow icon.

    To use the expression editor in a component field:

    1. Open the required component.
    2. Open the dropdown menu of an editable expression.
    3. Click edit.
    4. To activate auto-complete, press Ctrl+SPACEBAR. A list of field names (available in this component), functions and data types appears. Scroll to the required item and click to add it to the expression.

    To change the order of fields in a component:

    1. Click and drag the blue arrow located to the left of the field name up or down to the new position.

    To add a field in a component:

    1. Hover to the right of an existing field definition.
    2. Click the blue + icon when it appears.

    To delete a field in a component:

    1. Hover to the right of an existing field definition.
    2. Click the red X icon when it appears.

    To import all the components from another package:

    1. Click ... (More options).
    2. Click import package ...
    3. Click the required package (if necessary, filter the packages list first by typing relevant characters in the Filter packages text box).
    4. Click import.

    To save the current package and make a copy of the package:

    1. Click ... (More options).
    2. Click Save and make a copy. The current package is saved and a copy is opened for designing.
    3. Change the package name and description as required.