
System and pre-defined variables

Pre-defined Variables

Pre-defined variables are assigned a value in runtime (for example Job ID) which you can use in conjunction with other variables within the flow.

Variable name Description
_CLUSTER_ID_S3_ESCAPED The S3 escaped ID of the cluster on which the job is running.
_CLUSTER_ID The ID of the cluster on which the job is running.
_CLUSTER_NODES_COUNT The number of nodes in the cluster that executes the job.
_JOB_ID Integrate.io ETL Job Identifier. For tasks executed from within a workflow the JOB_ID format is NNNNNN_component_abcdef
_JOB_ID_S3_ESCAPED S3 escaped Integrate.io ETL Job Identifier
_JOB_SUBMISSION_TIMESTAMP ISO-8601 date-time value of the time the job was submitted in UTC. For example: 2013-04-22T14:18:17Z
_JOB_SUBMISSION_TIMESTAMP_S3_ESCAPED S3 escaped date-time value of the time the job was submitted in UTC. For example: 2013-01-09T14-52-21Z
_JOB_SUBMITTER_EMAIL The email address of the user who submitted the job. For example: helpdesk@integrate.io ETL.com
_JOB_SUBMITTER_EMAIL_S3_ESCAPED The S3 escaped email address of the user who submitted the job. For example: helpdesk-integrate.io ETL-com
_PACKAGE_OWNER_EMAIL The email address of the user who owns the package.
_PACKAGE_OWNER_EMAIL_S3_ESCAPED The S3 escaped email address of the user who owns the package.
_ACCOUNT_ID The internal id of the account under which the package and job were created.
_ACCOUNT_ID_S3_ESCAPED The S3 escaped internal id of the account under which the package and job were created.
_ACCOUNT_NAME The name of the account under which the package and job were created.
_ACCOUNT_NAME_S3_ESCAPED The S3 escaped name of the account under which the package and job were created.
_PACKAGE_LAST_SUCCESSFUL_JOB_SUBMISSION_TIMESTAMP The timestamp (in ISO-8601 date-time format) of the last successful job for the same package in UTC. This variable can be used to read data is newer than the previously executed job in incremental loads.
_WORKFLOW_PACKAGE_LAST_SUCCESSFUL_JOB_SUBMISSION_TIMESTAMP The timestamp (in ISO-8601 date-time format) of the last successful job for the same workflow in UTC. This variable can be used to read data is newer than the previously executed job in incremental loads.
_PARENT_JOB_ID Integrate.io ETL job identifier of parent job (workflow job executing current task).
_PARENT_JOB_ID_S3_ESCAPED S3 escaped Integrate.io ETL job identifier of parent job.

System Variables

System variables change the behaviour or the package.

Variable name Description
_ADWORDS_API_MAX_INPUT_SPLITS maximum number of concurrent Google Adwords requests.
_ADWORDS_API_REQUEST_READ_TIMEOUT request timeout (in milliseconds) for Google Adwords source components.
_ADWORDS_API_SKIP_BAD_ACCOUNTS set to true in order to have a package complete successfully when an adwords customer id is inaccessible (with Google Adwords source components).
_BQ_READER_MAX_SHARDS Set to 1 if Google BigQuery returns the error: Exporting to multiple wildcard URIs...
_BQ_READER_POLL_INTERVAL Sets the interval in milliseconds between retries when polling data export from Google BigQuery.
_BQ_READER_POLL_RETRIES Controls the number of retries when polling data export from Google BigQuery.
_BYTES_PER_REDUCER the string size, in bytes, that can be read for each record. Larger records are ignored.
_CACHED_BAG_MEMORY_PERCENT Percentage of the heap allocated for all bags in a map or reduce task. When the amount is filled, data is spilled to disk. Higher value reduces spills to disk but increases likelihood of running out of heap memory.
_COPY_TARGET_PARTITIONS Controls how many partitions the data is divided to by the copy pre-process action. Setting this variable's value to 0 forces the process not to merge files.
_COPY_TARGET_SIZE Controls the maximum size per file in partition for files that are concatenated by the copy pre-process action.
_COPY_PARALLELISM Controls how many processes are used in the copy pre-process action.
_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE default time zone for date-time datatype fields.
_DEFAULT_PARALLELISM Sets the default number of parallel reduce tasks to use in the package. Generally speaking, the number of reducers depend on the size of your data and it's distribution. If your data is relatively big but skewed (for example, when you aggregate by a field, most records fall into one group), adding more reducers will not have a positive effect on performance. The default value is 0, which means that the number of reducers is being calculated by _BYTES_PER_REDUCER.
_FB_ASYNC_REPORT_TIMEOUT Request timeout in seconds for a Facebook Ads Insights source async report request (per attempt). If this value is exceeded, the attempt fails (default - no timeout).
_FACEBOOK_ADS_INSIGHTS_SLEEP interval (ms) between retry attempts when trying to get Facebook Ads Insights report (default - 0)
_FS_IGNORE_MISSING_INPUT_EXCEPTIONS set to true in order to have the package complete successfully when no input is found in source path (with file storage source components).
_FS_SFTP_BLOCK_SIZE determines the size of block read by a task from SFTP. Change to a value greater than default when reading large files and SFTP server doesn't allow reading file starting at an offset>0.
_FS_SFTP_MAX_RETRIES number of retry attempts when trying to find files or directories in SFTP (default - 5).
_FS_SFTP_RETRY_SLEEP interval (ms) between retry attempts when trying to find files or directories in SFTP (default - 500)
_GA_API_MAX_INPUT_SPLITS maximum number of concurrent Google Analytics requests.
_GA_API_SKIP_BAD_PROFILES set to true in order to have a package complete successfully when Google Analytics profile id is inaccessible.
_GA_API_REQUEST_MAX_RESULTS maximum results per page for Google Analytics source components.

request timeout (in milliseconds) for Google Analytics source components.


maximum results per page for Google Analytics (GA4) source components.


maximum attempts when trying to make a request to GA4 API


maximum number of concurrent Google Analytics 4 requests.

_HTTP_FOLLOW_REDIRECTS set to false if you would like the REST API source or *Curl* functions not to follow redirect status code.

number of retries REST API source or *Curl* functions attempt when receiving response code 429 or 5xx before throwing an exception.


number of retries Hubspot API attempt when receiving rate limit-related errors.

_JDBC_SPLIT_QUERY_RETRIES number of retry attempts to get the min and max values for the key in database source parallel queries.
_JDBC_SPLIT_QUERY_RETRIES_INTERVAL_IN_SEC interval to wait between retry attempts to get the min and max values for the key in database source parallel queries.
_INTERMEDIATE_COMPRESSION compression for intermediate results. Defaults to false.
_LINE_RECORD_READER_MAX_LENGTH maximum length in byte for lines read from files. Lines longer than this value will be discraded.
_MAP_MAX_ATTEMPTS number of times to try to execute a map task before failing the job.
_MAP_MAX_FAILURES_PERCENT Controls the maximum percentage of map tasks that are allowed to fail without triggering job failure. The value range is 0-100.
_MAP_TASK_TIMEOUT number of milliseconds before task is killed if the task doesn't update status.
_MAX_COMBINED_SPLIT_SIZE amount of data, in bytes, to be processed by a single task. Smaller files are combined until this size is reached. Larger files are split if they are uncompressed or compressed using Bzip2.
_PARQUET_BLOCK_SIZE Size of a row group being buffered in memory for Apache Parquet.
_PARQUET_COMPRESSION Compression type for Apache Parquet. Available values are: UNCOMPRESSED, GZIP, SNAPPY.
_PARQUET_PAGE_SIZE Page size for Apache Parquet compression.
_REDUCER_MAX_ATTEMPTS number of times to try to execute a map task before failing the job.
_REDUCER_MAX_FAILURES_PERCENT maximum percentage of reduce tasks that are allowed to fail without triggering job failure. The value range is 0-100.
_SALESFORCE_API_REQUEST_MAX_RETRIES number of retries Salesforce API attempt when receiving rate limit-related errors.
_SHUFFLE_INPUT_BUFFER_PERCENT The percentage of memory to be allocated from the maximum heap size to storing map outputs during the shuffle.
_SPANNER_BATCH_SIZE determines the batch size in Google Spanner destination. Default batch size is 100
_SQL_COMMAND_TIMEOUT_IN_SEC command timeout (in seconds) for SQL statements before failing/retrying. By default, SQL commands do not timeout.
_SYNC_WAIT_TIME time in seconds to wait between staging data for an Amazon Redshift destination and executing COPY on the Redshift cluster. This applies to Snowflake destination as well.
_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS Number of seconds after which the job will be stopped. Allows you to automatically stop the job if it's taking too long. By default- no timeout is set (the job will run indefinitely). This can be set on the account level as well which would apply it to all of the packages. Please reach out if you would like to set it on the account level.